Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Why friends are forever and boys are whatever

I've really enjoyed the comments so far about my non-date. Not only do they make me feel better, they make me laugh. I bet many of you could use these to apply to your own dating disasters. Here are some just from my friends and co-workers:

What a lame-o. Guys suck and you're too good for him anyway.

Unfortunately I think sometimes people have a fight or a temporary break-up and, in anger or frustration, go to the internet-something they might not be brave enough to try otherwise. The problem is when they're done being angry, or make up with who they're with, they turn away. Jerks.

Life is too short for us to keep our heads down, and of course way too cute and fabulous. So, HEAD UP!!! One day I know they will find us and if not I know that I have had fun living my life.

Not only is it poorly written, it's in poor taste. What a lamo..

This is romantic evolution… this man is not one of the fittest of the species, so clearly he would not make a good mate. And his lame email is just natural selection at work…. He’ll never propagate the species with those recessive mental genes. You are the top of the food chain and he’s just plankton

Myspace Graphics

And before any guys out there say I'm just male-bashing, I want you know I realize there are bad women out there too. I just try to surround myself with people who aren't like that!

Stylishly yours,

Miss Attitude

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