Sunday, June 15, 2008

What my dad taught me

To honor my father on this Father's Day I've decided to honor him with a list of some of the most important lessons he taught me when I was growing up.

1. If a girl pulls your pig tails, pull hers back.
2. Girls can do anything boys can do.
3. Always be respectful to your elders.
4. Play to win. If you don't win, be proud knowing you gave it your all.
5. Always do the right thing.
6. Work hard to get what you want.
7. Be independent.
8. How to drive a stick shift.
9. If you're going to argue, make sure you're right.
10. The basic rules of football.

Thanks for teaching me these things Dad! Happy Father's Day.

Stylishly yours,
Miss Attitude

P.S. My dad also taught me how to change the oil and a flat tire, but unfortunately I can't say that I remember how to do either of those. So I have Fix-A-Flat and a credit card.

P.P.S. The real gift is in the mail.

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks Babe! Who was the girl, with the pigtails? I can not put a name or a face with that lesson.
Enjoy your day, wish you were here for the cookout. See you in nine days.
Love Dad