Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Cobert mocks Pasco County "Wizard" teacher

I read a story about a substitute teacher in Pasco County (that's here in the Tampa Bay area) who had been suspended for so-called wizardry last month. I thought the story was a little bizarre, but didn't think too much of it because hey it's Florida. Then yesterday a friend of mine sent me a clip of the Cobert Report's version of the story. I have to admit it's pretty amusing. Take a look:

And yes, that soundbite of the father in the hat is pretty common around here. "I don't want some guy teaching my kid wizardry. My kid needs to be learning, learning education in the school system." Yes, I'm sure a substitute teacher showing your kid a magic trick with a toothpick is the biggest worry of your life! Seriously?

Stylishly yours,
Miss Attitude

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