Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Welcome to the wonderful world of Plurk!


Ahh, Plurk! This is where I've been spending a lot of time during the past two weeks. Many of you have noticed the Plurk widget on my blog and want to know what it is. In fact, when I asked one of my friends a question in an e-mail yesterday she said, "i will tell you, if you tell me what in the sam hel* is plurk?"

So that's what I'm going to do. Before I go any further, I want to warn you this is addicting. Very addicting! In fact, I'm having such a hard time tearing myself away from Plurk just to write this blog. And I apologize to my Pleeps (Plurk users) if I don't quite capture the essence of said addiction. I know what some of you are saying right now, but you've already told us about your addiction to Twitter.

Plurk is better. I haven't quite abandoned Twitter yet, but it kept crashing and sent me on the search for a new social media site. And I couldn't believe my luck when I first read about Plurk. I actually sent a Tweet (a message on Twitter) asking if anyone was Plurking. And one of my friends saw it and signed up too. In fact, I really have Steven Russell to blame for my Plurk-aholism even though he gave it up.

Plurk is an acronym for Peace, Love, Unity, Respect, Karma. It's also an amalgam of Play + Work: Play-Work. Like Twitter it's a microblogging site where users send 140 character messages. But it also combines an IM feature which makes it highly interactive and entertaining. When you send a Plurk you have several options in how to write it.


There's a drop down menu of verbs to choose or you can freestyle. Plurk also has tons of cool emoticons. rock on
upside down
Although, many you have to earn more Karma to get. What is Karma you ask? I call it the K-word.


Tons of people on Plurk are obsessed with the K-word. As you can see my score is above 56. That's pretty good for now. Here's a break down of how the K-word works.


If I've confused you so far, don't worry. It's really easy to use and if you get confused other Pleeps will help you out! That's one of the things I love most about this site. I've met a lot of really cool people on there. People who have taken pity on a poor soul like Miss Attitude who's not quite tech-savvy enough to get everything right the first time.

So have I sold you yet? Do you want to try it? I hope you will. Just click on this link . Or you can send me your e-mail address to missattitude@missattitude.us and I'll send you an invite. (I get cool emoticons for that too!)

Stylishly yours,
Miss Attitude

P.S. When you look up Plurk-aholic in the Plurktionary, you'll find my name!

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The Godfather said...

awesome blog, still think you should of added somethin bout me postin my number though lol

Anonymous said...

Excellent post! Plurk is fantastic.. its the best time waster and its just simply fun! Oh lookie I see me in one of your screenshots :D

Keep up the excellent blogs and plurks.

~Just Jen~ said...

Love it!

(must return to plurk now...My fingers are getting itchy)

dalydose said...

I think you caught the essence of Plurk in this well-written blog entry! I would congratulate you, but I think I'll Plurk you your props!

Vince said...

Nice description of one of the most addictive micro blogging sites evah

NotAMeanGirl said...

I LURRRVE the Plurk! I'm totally addicted and that's actually a GOOD thing considering my sleep patterns lately.!

Anonymous said...

Nope. Not giving up Twitter.

Too much going on there.

I must simplify.

No more social media sites.

Anonymous said...

I wish I could quit Plurk. I'm totally addicted at this point.

Lionel Valdellon said...

i only recently figured out that you can respond directly to other people's plurks (2 weeks after first using it). It has now become quite addicting. Added you as a fan!