Friday, May 30, 2008

Sex and the City.. no spoilers here!

I just got back from the midnight showing of Sex and the City. All I'm going to say is I thought it was fabulous!


I won't give anything away because I'm sure many of you are going to see it later today or this weekend. I will say though, if you saw all of the trailers, you've seen a good portion of the movie.


I'm off to Key West for the weekend, so when I get back I'd love to read what you thought of the movie. So please submit your comments. I'll be back to blogging on Monday. Have a fabulous weekend.

Stylishly yours,
Miss Attitude

P.S. If you're a man who's reading this, it is okay to take your girlfriend/wife to this movie. There were tons of men there tonight, and as one of my friends pointed out to me earlier, it's a great way to score points with her.

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1 comment:

Jeff said...

Hey, gay men need movies, too.