Sunday, May 11, 2008

Happy Mother's Day

Today is Mother's Day and I've been thinking a lot about how lucky I am to have a great mother. I just called her since I won't see her (I live 990 miles away.) As far as moms go, mine is pretty cool. She had me when she was really young, so we've always been close. I can talk to her about almost anything and we like a lot of the same things, well except her brief mistake with buying Crocs!

No flowers or chocolates or anything motherly for her gift this year. I bought her Sex and the City Season 6 Parts 1 & 2 on DVD this year. I figured she can catch up on those episodes before the movie comes out at the end of the month. The funny thing is the day I ordered the present, she was telling me how much she hates the episodes with the "Russian" and "Berger." Oops, those are the ones you're getting, I thought. And she keeps telling me she can't believe they're showing so much of the movie in the trailers and often asks, "Why do they have to do that?"

Of all the men Carrie dated in SATC, my mom likes Mr. Big best, just like me! The main thing we disagreed about when I was a teenager was who was the best member of New Kids on the Block. She liked Donnie. And I was obviously right, Jordan was the best one. She even went to several NKOTB concerts with me and my friends. See, I told you she was cool!

The only uncool thing I ever give her a hard time about is when she wouldn't let me go to a Rick Springfield concert when I was in 5th grade. And this year when I met Rick Springfield I told him the story he said, "Your mom's a smart woman." He and his manager agreed the things that went on backstage made it no place for a 5th grader, as if I would have gotten backstage! So my mom says now that Rick Springfield himself agrees with her, I have to let it go.

Sylishly yours,
Miss Attitude

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