Sunday, April 27, 2008

Texting: Dating do or dating don't?

During the past few weeks I've given the use of text messaging a lot of thought when it comes to dating. In a way, I truly believe texting is one of the biggest problems. I know it's an easy way to check in and send messages during the day. Believe me, I use it all the time with my friends. And yes, I even use it to communicate with boys. And before I go any further, I don't mean the term "boys" to be disrespectful, it's what I call men. And yes, I still call women girls.

Anwyay, the past few weeks one of my friends has been texting back and forth with this boy. They've known eachother for a while from a group setting type deal. But even to me, it appears like he's very interested in her. So the texting went from a few hi, how are you? kind of texts to a little more sexy.

The other night we were all out together and in person it just seemed like he didn't have the nerve to ask her out. The next day she and I were texting about how we were confused by his actions. "When did boys lose their balls?" she asked. And I replied, "They've gotten lazy. I think text messaging is part of the problem. They don't have to call anymore."

But we seem to play right into it too. Many of the girls I know, myself included, kept texting them back or in some cases as I've been known to do initiate the text. We never once seem to tell them "Pick up the f'n phone and call!" or "Take us out on a date, damn it!" Instead, we play the games too.

When I decided to write this entry today I googled texting and dating. I found an interesting article "Romancing the Phone: Txt Luv Dos & Don'ts" written a couple years ago. And I found this tip really applies to what I'm writing about:
DO wait until at least the third date before you engage in "textual relations" with a new love interest. Be sure sexy or intimate texts are well-received before firing off note after note.

Now I wonder if the writer thinks anything has changed since 2006. Because I certainly do. "Wait until the third date?" What happens when they aren't even asking you out on the first date? Do boys even ask you out on dates anymore? Isn't it just easier to tell you where they're going to be with their friends so you'll come meet them there? Or what about using it as a way to tell you things they're not confident enough to tell you in person?

Since I'm mentioning my friend and she thinks I always use her for topics in this blog, I have to do some full disclosure. Sadly, I've been much guiltier of using this texting technique during the past few weeks. At first I sort of blamed it on the fact I tend to be interested in younger men and that's how they're used to communicating. But now, I'm doing the same thing with a man who's a few years older than me. A man I have actually known for years, though the flirting just started last week in person. So now what's my excuse? And how can I get annoyed that he won't call me and ask me to go out somewhere when I'm not doing it either?

I want to hear from you. Is texting killing the romance? Is it just a cop out? Is it easier to deal with rejection from a text than on the phone or in person? E-mail me your stories at

Stylishly yours,
Miss Attitude


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